Информация ICANN

.UK Domain Name Agreement

 This appendix only concerns the registration and administration of
 domain names with the ending .UK,.co.UK, me.UK and org.UK

.UK is the 2-Letter ISO Country Code of the United Kingdom

Preliminary Remark:

KS is an officially accredited Registrar of Nominet UK (Official Registry of .UK),
 for the Top-Level-Domain .UK.

RSP and KS agree that RSP can register, renew and administer domain names beneath .UK (.coUK, me.UK and org.UK) for his customers through KS.

The following paragraphs apply:


§ 1. Registration Requirements

All partner registrars and resellers of .UK (.coUK, me.UK and org.UK) domain names are committed to these terms and
 conditions. Each customer who registers a domain name beneath .UK (.coUK, me.UK and org.UK) has to accept the following
 terms and conditions. RSP is committed to bind his customers according to these regulations.

Policies for .UK (.coUK, me.UK and org.UK) domains, currently available under:

Please note that from May 26th 2020 the complaints process has been updated.
Please check for further information:

 The general terms and conditions and domain registration policies of KS also apply:
 => https://www.atakdomain.com/en/reporting-abuse
 => https://www.atakdomain.com/en/domain-agreement

 § 2. Domain-Name Dispute Resolution

All disputes relating to domain names are resolved through the DRS Policy and Procedure:


§ 3. Duration

The registration or renewal of a registration can only take place for a time period of exactly two years.

 § 4. Costs

The prices of a registration and included services can be viewed directly through the Atak Domain WebInterface under the respective https://www.atakdomain.com/en/domain-prices 
 All costs will be charged in USD, meaning that when registering a Domain we will automatically exchange the respective fee into USD according to the daily exchange rate of the Turkey Central Bank (TMB)