SSL certificate is a certificate system that ensures that the page receives a secure sign by validating the domain name of a web page.
The term CSR is a term meaning "Certificate Signing Request" in English and "Sertifika İmzalama Talebi" in Turkish. In order for you to request an SSL certificate from an authorized institution, it is a digital document that must be prepared to contain information such as domain, organization name, city, region, country, contact e-mail, and certificate date.
Basically, SSL certificates can be preferred with structures that vary depending on the capacity of your page, the type of usage, and the audience you are targeting. If it needs to be counted starting from the most standard certificate and progressing to a more complex certificate;
• DV (Domain Validation) certificates typically perform domain name validation for blogs and social pages. It is considered the most basic type of certificate.
• OV (Organization Validation) SSL certificates, on the other hand, are generally chosen by businesses and non-governmental organizations as a basic type and are used to verify both the ownership of the domain name and the organization.
• EV (Extended Validation) SSL certificates provide domain name ownership and organization verification while being chosen for businesses and organizations. It provides a security lock image next to the URL, makes the company name appear green, and is often chosen by e-commerce sites or financial institutions.
• Wildcard SSL certificates provide valid validation for subdomains, ie subdomains, along with the main domain name.
• Multidomain SSL certificates, on the other hand, are the type of certificate that can be used for more than one web page and that provides validation in both domain and subdomain names.
You can get the result you want in just a few seconds by using this tool that is presented to you in order to understand whether a web page has an SSL certificate. If the domain name you are querying has an SSL certificate, you can obtain general information about the certificate, server information, and verification process information while this site encounters the secure sign. As a result of the query, it can be seen that the page is secured with a certificate until a certain date, it is not in a secure topic because there is no certificate, or it is not in a secure location because the certificate is invalid.
As a result of the query process, certain information about the SSL certificate and domain name can be obtained. Within the framework of this information;
• Verification type of SSL certificate,
• The expiry date of the certificate,
• IP and domain name server,
• Authorized institution for SSL certificate, given signature and which algorithm it has,
• The key root length of the certificate can be learned.
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