.RU domain registry does not give partnership outside of Russia, domain resellers are generally purchased and used through nic.ru domain partnership program. If your .RU domain address appears on nic.ru as a registrar, you can transfer domains between partners by following the steps below.
.RU Domain Transfers:
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Atak Domain Partner Contract Number: 15505/NIC-REG
1- The registrant has to log in to the .RU web interface using their NIC-D handle and password. This information can be requested at www.nic.ru/en/cgi/pass_forgot.cgi
2- Once logged in, please navigate to "Form > Change partner". There, input our NIC-REG handle: 15505/NIC-REG to transfer the domain to our registrar portfolio.
3- Shortly after the transfer in the .RU web interface, the transfer should be completed in your account.