Web Hosting

Web Hosting

Designed for much faster and more flexible website management!
Unlimited Website Hosting
100% SSD Speed
Unlimited Resources
24/7 support
Web Hosting

Choose Tailored Hosting Plan For Your Need

Discover our Web hosting plans to suit every need and budget!


For absolute beginners with single website
72% Discount
$0.69/ Month
Free .ME Domain
Free .CLICK Domain
Renewal Prices


1Web Site
5 GBSSD Storage
2Core CPU
20 GBVisitors
Plesk / cPanel
Free Website Migration
One Click Site Setup
Free .ME Domain
Free .CLICK Domain
Free Backup
Free SSL Option
Show More Features


For high performance with multiple websites
50% Discount
$1.99/ Month
Free .ME Domain
Free .CLICK Domain
Renewal Prices


3Web Site
UnlimitedSSD Storage
3Core CPU
Plesk / cPanel
Free Website Migration
One Click Site Setup
Free .ME Domain
Free .CLICK Domain
Free Backup
Free SSL Option
Show More Features


For optimum resource with unlimited website
75% Discount
$2.49/ Month
Free .ME Domain
Free .CLICK Domain
Renewal Prices


UnlimitedWeb Site
UnlimitedSSD Storage
4Core CPU
Plesk / cPanel
Free Website Migration
One Click Site Setup
Free .ME Domain
Free .CLICK Domain
Free Backup
Free SSL Option
Show More Features


For unlimited website and high performance
47% Discount
$8.99/ Month
Free .ME Domain
Free .CLICK Domain
Renewal Prices


UnlimitedWeb Site
UnlimitedSSD Storage
6Core CPU
6144 GBRAM
Plesk / cPanel
Free Website Migration
One Click Site Setup
Free .ME Domain
Free .CLICK Domain
Free Backup
Show More Features

The Unique Web Hosting Experience

Discover our excellent features to make your work unique!

%100 SSD Drive

The full SSD disk drive support on the hosting servers furnishes you with much faster web sites.

Unlimited Website

With Unlimited Website Hosting in the superior packages, you can manage your websites freely.

LiteSpeed Support

The Litespeed support on our servers provides you with websites up to 10 times faster.

Plesk / cPanel Option

You can get the cPanel and Plesk panels, the most popular control panels in the world, completely free of charge.

Free Hosting Transfer

You can make use of our free website transfer service so that you can immediately switch to Atak Quality.

24/7 support

You can get 24/7 support from 3 different support channels such as phone, email and online chat at any time you wish.

Standard Functions In All Hosting Packages

Free Domain
LiteSpeed Support
Imunify360 Security
Free Backup
Free Support
100% SSD Disk Drive
Cloudlinux OS
Free Antispam-Antivirus Protection
7/24 Uninterrupted Support

We offer services for unique hosting in the managed hosting mode. We offer technical support by phone and ticketing system in Turkey during working hours, with the exception of working hours, we offer technical support through the ticket system. Our professional web hosting technical support team provides technical support by connecting to your computer if necessary.

7/24 Uninterrupted Support
15 Days Return Guarantee
15 Days Refund Guarantee

Our Web hosting clients may demand a refund without any reason, within 15 days from the beginning of the annual service period. The unconditional return guarantee applies only to newly acquired web hosting packages. Product, services and renewal fees, such as domain, SSL, license, are beyond the scope of reimbursement.

More than 70.000 Happy Clients

Atak Domain serves more than thousands of web hosting, email hosting and domain customers from more than 28 different countries. We operate as an information processing department of the companies we serve. Web hosting management, mail hosting management, SSL certificate management and domain management are carried out by our specialized customer representatives. We know very well what your website, email and domains mean to you.

More than 70.000 Happy Clients
The Whole Year Best Price
The Whole Year Best Price

We are committed to providing you with the best prices for hosting, depending on the price and quality. Not only our first purchase prices for web hosting, prices for web hosting updates are offered at the cheapest price. Atak Domain Web Hosting - is the best web hosting company in Turkey when it comes to email hosting solutions taking into account customer satisfaction.

Hosting Packages Comparison

Easily decide which hosting package you need!

Website 1 3 Unlimited Unlimited
Disk Space 5 GB Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Trafik 20 GB Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
E-Mail Account 10 Pieces 20 Pieces Unlimited Unlimited
MsSQL Database 3 10 10
MySQL Database 1 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Subdomain 1 3 Unlimited Unlimited
Web Servers
Windows / Linux
CPanel / Plesk
Classic ASP
.NET 2.x - 4.x 2.x - 4.x 2.x - 4.x 2.x - 4.x
PHP 4.x - 8.x 4.x - 8.x 4.x - 8.x 4.x - 8.x
Password Protected Folders
Scheduled Tasks
Email 10 20 Unlimited Unlimited
E-Mail Account 250 MB / Pieces 250 MB / Pieces 250 MB / Pieces 250 MB / Pieces
Web Mail
Anti-Spam / Anti-Virus
E-Mail Groups
MySQL Database 2 Pieces Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
MsSQL Database 50MB 50MB 50MB 100MB
MsSQL Web Admin
Php MyAdmin
Other Features
Advanced DNS Records Management
Customizable Control Panel
Private Mail Server
Php MyAdmin (Current Version)
72% Discount
$0.69 / Month
50% Discount
$1.99 / Month
75% Discount
$2.49 / Month
47% Discount
$8.99 / Month

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to frequently asked questions about quality hosting packages

What is Web Hosting?

If you want to own a website or a personal website, you must first purchase a domain. After purchasing a domain, your website must have disk space to run your information (html, .net, php, image files, etc.) so that you can publish your website. Users can visit your website when they write your domain address in search engines such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape, Google Chrome.

Web hosting servers are actually a good computer connected to the Internet. These computers must be strong in terms of hardware and are called servers.

Thus, a web server that publishes files belonging to your website and allows users to access them through a browser is called a web server, this data platform and the publishing process are called web hosting.

Which hosting package should I buy?

The choice of web hosting package on your website, the database, the web space you will use, the number of email addresses you will use, there are many factors, such as the Internet Information Processing Department to manage your hosting package. Before buying a web host, you should consult with our team of sales experts. But you can buy web hosting without trying our cheap hosting packages.

On which criterias does the hosting prices change?

Prices for web hosting vary depending on standard hosting or managed hosting, in accordance with many functions, such as database, web space, number of letters, backup status.

Can I get a private email address from a web hosting?

All of our web hosting packages are provided with a special email address. You can open emails like [email protected] or [email protected].

Do you support backup?

All our servers are supported on daily and weekly external servers. If you have problems with your site or email, we can return from a backup.

Do you support backup?

You can change the dns domain from the “Domain Name Management” section on your AtakDomain.com client panel.

What is SSD hosting?

SSD hosting packages, are web hosting packages which provide higher speed data transfer possibility through web servers include %100 SSD, than other mechanical discs. By SSD hosting you would be able to extend your web sites much more fast, as well as present an unlike experience to your visitors.

Which Criteria determine hosting pricing?

Hosting packages’ prices, vary based on the number of the sites are to be hosted in the packages, also, criteria such as disc space and traffic which you will use in your own sites. In order to prefer the right hosting package, we recommend you to assign the site platform, the site programming language, the components such as the disc space and traffic before purchasing. For further information, herein, our 7/24 service is available.

What extend is the unlimited hosting?

Our hosting plans are designed mostly on hosting personal, small firms and organization web sites. As long as following the hosting agreement, we will not limit your sites store space and bandwidth. If your web site bandwidth or store space usage, affect our server’s stability, performance or up time, we may inform you by sending e-mail to transfer to a Virtual Server(VPS) or Rental(Private) server or we may limit the sources which your web site uses. The contravention of web sites hosting contract is rarely happening and mostly is seen in sites that are used as file sharing or store spaces.

What is web hosting bandwidth?

Probably you have already heard the “bandwidth” term from your internet provider. In the simplest form, traffic is a term shows how much data can transfer through the internet connection. When a user visits your website, he/she sends a request to the server, and the server presents your website to him/her. Consider it as using a tap. The more people visit your website, the more water flows through the tap, until you reach the point where the tap is full of water and runs with full capacity. The same thing happens to your website. If lots of people try to visit the site at the same time, the pipe becomes filled; site slows down and maybe even does not respond at all. Here the bandwidth of hosting is a factor that determines the diameter of this pipe. While other web hosting providers, limit bandwidth, Atak Domain provides unlimited bandwidth with Premium and Corporate quality hosting plans.

Can I transfer my web site to Atak Domain?

Yes! even we recommend you do so! If you are using one of the common content management system platforms such as WordPress, there are lots of tools that make it easy to transfer your site from one hosting provider to another. But, if you do not use a common content management system or you need any help, contact us. Our customer service will help you to complete the transfering - free of charge!

Will Atak Domain help me to design my web site?

The answer depends on the situation! Whether to show you the right way, or solving the problems, we would help you out. Furthermore, there are a range of papers related to frequently asked questions which form a broad base of knowledge to help new customers and get the most efficiency of Atak Domain plans. At the same time, we are specialist in hosting. This means that in the fact of we will provide you help and support as much as we can, we will not build a website for you basically. But do not worry! you can easily set up your site thanks to our Website Setup Tool and Auto Uploader.

Can I upgrade my web hosting plan as my website extends?

Yeah! Even our suggestion is doing so! This is one of the advantage of choosing Atak Domain as your web hosting provider. We have made the upgrading procedure as simple as possible. So you can start with a plan which is proper to your present budget and increase your plan as your website extends. We always stand by you and ready to improve with you! Most of other web hosting providers will try to convince you to purchase plans that you do not want or do not need. In Atak Domain, you will pay only for the sources you really need.

Can I set up and run an e-commerce site in Atak Domain quality hosting plans?

Of course! We are ready to help our customers transfer their business to the Internet. All our plans fully support e-commerce sites. You can use the Auto Uploader to set up a various of content management systems such as e-commerce software, as well.

How will I receive a technical support?

Atak Domain is proud of its support team. In fact, we call our support team as “Customer Success Team”. As we do our best to be successful. If you face any problem, no matter what justt contact us. If it would be under our control we will try to solve the problem, if not we will show the way to solve it. Our customer success team is the best on the market and we always do our best to help our customers. We answer your questions as quick as possible and never give up as long as finding a solution. Therefore; If you have any problem, please contact us!

What is LiteSpeed? Why we use LiteSpeed?

LiteSpeed Web server is a paid linux software. It provides up to ten times performance and stability than an open source web server (Apache). Therefore, web hosting service is provided faster and in a stable form. This software is used as standard on all our linux servers. Using Litespeed, support for next generation web technologies is provided. For instance, these technologies include HTTP / 2, HTTP / 3, QUIC, Brotli Compression, LSCache, HSTS, TLS 1.3 and etc.

Is there HTTP / 2 Support?

Yes, we support all of next generation HTTP / 2, QUIC protocol and Brotli Compression technology on our linux servers. Furthermore, we provide Keep-Alive and Expire Header (Apache mod_expire) support.

Is there Ioncube Loader Support?

Yes, Ioncube Loader is available in PHP versions on all our linux servers. You can use the previous and current Ioncube (v10) versions as you wish. This support is activated in the PHP Selector menu on the cPanel as default.

What are the Security Steps?

We have a powerful security algorithm. We follow up to date software regularly. By monitoring all the servers, we notice the potential interruptions earlier. Our hosting service provider servers are monitored 7/24. In our infrastructure, some systems to scan and prevent security vulnerability are available.

  • Malware scanning,
  • Brute force attack,
  • Two-steps Ddos attack detection and blocking,
  • Web Application Firewall by Mod_Security

Security vulnerability, could be caused by software or database programming errors or by users than hosting service. So, we recommend you to purchase up-to-date and licenced products and determine a strong passwors instead of simple passwords.

Is there Mod_Rewrite Support?

Yes, there is Apache Mod_Rewrite support as standard on all of linux hosting servers. You can run .htaccess files which you will upload through FTP on the server. Also, there is IIS URL Rewrite feature on Windows servers, and you can use this feature from web.config. folder.

Which Scripts Conforms Hosting Service with?

Our hosting service is almost 100% comforms with available (ioncube, zend and sourceguard etc.) licenced open source or closed source. Examples of primary scripts and web-based softwares are following: For Linux; WordPress, Opencart, Joomla, Magento, Prestashop, Laravel, CodeInteger, PHP framework and all written scripts in PHP 5.3 and later versions. For Windows; MySQL, SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2014, SQL Server 2016, Classic ASP, ASP.Net 2.0, ASP.Net 3.5, ASP.Net 4.7 and MVC support are available. For further information, you can contact our technical support or sales team.

Where are your servers located?

The location of all of our servers is Istanbul -Turkey. Our servers are backed up abroad.

Is My Hosting Package Renewed Automatically?

Our automatic renewal system is not active. We have removed this system because charging renewal cost automatically from their credit card made inconvenience for some of our customers. Instead of automatically charging a renewal fee, we inform you in a given period of time via e-mail.

Can I Get Fixed IP in My Hosting Package?

You can purchase fixed IP for your hosting packages. You can make a fixed IP order going: Customer panel > My hosting > Manage hosting button > purchase add-in on the left menu.

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We are here for you at any time you need!