Why should you secure misspellings and alternatives to your domain name
22.04.2021 10:14 2.129 Displayed

Why should you secure misspellings and alternatives to your domain name

When a customer misspells your domain name, will they still access your website?

Instead of hoping every client is an expert reviewer, you can purchase misspellings of your domain name to keep the search flowing in your direction.

If you are just getting started publishing your idea online, purchasing every misspelled or variant of your domain name might be unreasonable. Instead, discover alternate domain names that will help you get started, so that when customers stumble upon their keyboard, they will be directed again to the right place - your business.

Atakdomain.com has over 300 domain extensions to choose from to help set your website apart from the rest. It all starts with great scope.

Most common misspellings and alternatives

When talking to friends and family about a new domain name idea, did you ask them to spell it? The spelling they use on the first try will also many of your clients try. Another do-it-yourself test is to type in the name as quickly as possible and see if any extra characters will end up in the URL.

If there is an alternate spelling or regional spelling for your name, this could be another name to add to your domain list. For example, ketchup.com owners can also own catsup.com, as they both accept spellings of the same word. Every path you connect to your website creates another way to get traffic to your site.

Include related domain extensions in your list

The domain extension you've chosen, be it .com, .net, or whatever, isn't the only extension that will work for your business. New domain extensions, nTLDs, are added to our list of domain extensions every week, so finding a suitable alternative for the industry, products, and audience is only limited to your creativity.

If your new craft beer and used bookstore have recently launched a web presence at bookbar.com, there are a few domain names available that will add to your traffic growth and establish a creative voice for your brand at the same time. Your new domains can include readbooks.bar, drinkbeer.books, and more - the list can stretch happily ever after.

Find out what your customers are writing

The best way to catch customers writing the wrong domain name is to find out what they're writing instead. Tools like Google Analytics or Keyword Planner can help you track down the most popular search terms and keywords your potential customers are using. Then you can use these phrases to create alternate domains that direct this traffic to your site.

If your customers are searching for bookbar.com, chances are they will write on booksbar.com, bookandbar.com, instead by mistake. Find your top searches, then redirect these areas to your site. You don't need all of the domains right away, but starting with the three or five most popular domains will help you keep more traffic.

Hide those spelling mistakes and mistakes from the world

Don't worry about leaving your domain name misspelled online. Securing these alternatives does away with your audience's mistakes, rather than discouraging them with an error message and causing them to give up. Fast forwarding means no one needs to feel guilty about anything.

Buying a misspelling and adding a redirect means that when a customer types the wrong name, their URL will change to the correct domain name almost instantly. When your customer sees a popup for the correct domain name, the error might make the correct name memory stronger for their next visit.

Make it easy for customers to find your website

The success of your business depends on getting customers to the right place, even if they misspell your domain name. Adding alternatives and misspellings of your domain to your portfolio will keep search flow your way, even when your potential clients make a mistake.

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