Why is a domain name important
22.04.2021 09:36 1.317 Displayed

Why is a domain name important

Whether you own an existing business or have an idea of ​​a startup, you need a strong internet presence. Usually the first thing your potential customer does when searching for your product or service is to do a search on the web, and if your website is relatively easy to find and navigate, your chances of selling will increase dramatically.

With the majority of online shopping occurring, the dynamic of marketing has changed drastically, and one of the most effective and continuous ways to reach potential customers is through a well-developed and maintained website. From a marketing point of view, you can create a lasting brand image with the correct domain name.

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Benefits of a strong domain name

The decision and registration of a domain name should not be made in a hurry. It is a valuable marketing and research tool that should successfully lead customers to your site. Careful deliberation and research should be applied, as it may be the most important decision to make when carving out a segment of the online market.

Strong domain name:

  • Adds professional credibility to your business and separates you from the millions of get-rich-quick sites with schemes out there.

Provides visibility for your brand. Much like a storefront window, a good range will create awareness and attract customers.

  • Establish your business as an expert in technology and forward-thinking. Whether or not you sell products online, it is crucial to your reputation that you claim your territory online.
  • It creates mobility for your online presence. If you decide to change web hosting services, move to another country, or switch to using your own internal server, your domain name will remain with you, allowing you to continue building your brand without having to start over.
  • It increases your search engine ranking. As you build your business and develop your website with high-quality content, your domain name will become more visible in search engines like Google, thus attracting more customers towards you.
  • You will provide your brand with worldwide marketability, or you can choose to focus specifically in a local area.
  • Unlike traditional marketing - as long as you keep the annual fee low - your domain name will not expire.


How to determine the domain name

Your brand says it all about you, your values, your identity, and what it promises to do. Why should your domain name be different? Before choosing one, it is important to educate yourself about the different styles and types of domain names out there so that you can make the best decision for your needs.

Your new startup company should specify a domain name that matches - or even better than that - the company name to direct customers to your site without any ambiguity. This is a great opportunity to choose a name for your business that is unique and available as an industry before declaring yourself to the world.

If you already own an existing business and don't have your company name or some keyword available that you would like to use, then a little creativity may be needed to define the domain name. We'll get into that later in this article.

Domain name length

It is always better to have a domain name that is short and easy to remember. Ideally, it should be 6-10 characters long, with 8 being the perfect location. Simplicity, concise and printable should be the rule for long and descriptive names.

The longer the range is, the higher the chance of a typo when typing. Also, when combining words in a domain, beware of letters that do not usually correlate with each other or are confusing, like Expertsexchange.com on the Expert Exchange site. Not perfect.

Avoid using hyphens and numbers as they may complicate and frustrate users. Always remember: simplicity is best.

Key words

Keywords are words related to the product or service used in the domain name. For example, best-vacuum-cleaners.com. This is also known as the exact match domain (EMD).

Although most people assume that using keywords or EMDs will increase traffic to their website, Google has changed its algorithm in the past few years to reduce the strict use of keywords, and now it is rewarding sites with a strong sense of branding instead. . It's Google's way to get rid of "noise".

However, using domain keywords isn't always a bad thing. From a marketing point of view, you know exactly what they are selling on the best site, but beware that it is perceived as spam. This may negatively affect your ranking in Google.

You are better off building a strong branding image and supporting it with useful and original web content to foster a trusted online presence.

Generic top-level domains (gTLDs) and new top-level domains (nTLDs)

gTLDs and nTLDs are the extensions within your domain name. By far the most popular and effective bandwidth is .com. It is world known, easy to remember and trusted by web surfers.

The list of the most popular domain extensions is:

  • .com
  • .net
  • .org (non-profit organizations)


Some TLDs have certain restrictions attached to them. For example, .biz, .name, and. pro only for certified professionals or companies.

Sponsored TLDs are supervised by a sponsor who establishes eligibility rules for the designated community.

Some of the Atakdomain.com sponsored TLDs offerings include:

  • .aero: Dedicated to members of the aviation community, sponsored by SITA
  • .coop: Dedicated to cooperative societies, sponsored by DotCooperation LLC
  • .mobi: Dedicated to mobile product and service providers, sponsored by dotMobi
  • .museum: dedicated to museums, sponsored by the Museum Domain Management Association


Jobs: Dedicated HR Managers, sponsored by the Society for Human Resource Management

New top-level domains are released every week and help bridge the gap from the limited availability of gTLDs. It also helps users looking to specifically target a niche market or geographic location. For example, Atakdomain.com offers domain name extensions:

  • .coupons
  • .marketing
  • .restaurant
  • .properties
  • .deals
  • tech
  • .club
  • .wedding
  • .chat
  • .reviews
  • .tours
  • .yoga

These nTLDs can be very useful to quickly and creatively create a domain name that describes your brand or industry. The possibilities seem endless, but now is the time to take advantage of the creative extension because, as with .com, it will not be available forever.

Country Code TLD (ccTLD)

A country specific TLD can be useful if you are running your business within a specific country. If you have a moving company in London, for example, a domain name like bigbenmovers.uk will urge Google to direct searches locally in the UK directly to your site. CcTLDs narrow the focus of your work to a geographically defined region.

Distinctive areas

For the most part, a .com address is ideal, but if the required domain name isn't available, don't worry. The scope of your dreams may still be available, but it will likely cost you.

An existing business may use the domain, but all too often, domains are bought and never used, the company has ceased to operate, or the domain has been taken out as an investment and is on sale. These domains are known as Premium Domains. If you are convinced that your business must have a specific domain name that is unavailable for success, investing in a premium domain name up front can pay off in the long run.

Benefits of the privileged field

Simple, short and cute: Since nearly all common words and phrases are already registered as a domain, earning a premium might be your only hope of branding your company with a concise or catchy domain name.

Credibility: High-valued domain will instantly propel your site into the realm of the best players in your industry, and establish trust with an audience that may take years to develop.

Attract more commerce: With a simple and straightforward premium domain name, like petinsurance.com (taken from Nationwide Insurance) or visitparis.com, people looking for your product or service can bypass Google search and simply type the address in the search bar and send it straight to your site .

Highly regarded: Most of the premium domains have been around for a long time, and you've gathered a large number of backlinks, which drive consumers referrals from other sites to your own. This also has a big impact on a site's SEO ranking.

Strong investment: If your business grows as you hope, the value of your premium domain name will increase as well. Therefore, it becomes a very desirable asset if you choose to sell it in the future.

The cost of a premium domain name will vary based on several factors, but consider taking a long-term view of its value when crafting your branding.

Investing in distinct areas

There are many professional investors who specialize in premium domain names and will resell them later when their value increases. If you see an opportunity to capitalize on the perfect domain name, or multiple names, this could be your opportunity to start investing. After all, the value of some domain names has risen dramatically over the years due to their simplicity, reliability, backlinks, and other valuable features.


  • Here's a look at some of the most valuable domain names and what they were sold for:
  • Insurance.com - $ 35.6 million
  • VacationRentals.com - $ 35 million
  • PrivateJet.com - $ 30.18 million
  • Internet.com - $ 18 million
  • 360.com - $ 17 million

If you think that's a thing, bear in mind that the domain name cars.com was valued at a staggering $ 872 million when the company was sold for a total of $ 2.5 billion just two years ago. So, if you have an idea of ​​an upcoming and upcoming domain name, switch to it before someone else does!

Domain Name Alternatives

If your business is not in the right place to be charged at the expense of the premium domain name or if your domain name is already reserved, there are several other options you can consider.

Choose a slightly alternate version or a shortened version of the name you want. Get creative, but don't just stick with the name or anything that may be confusing or unrelated to your business or brand.

Use a different domain extension. According to Google, there is no particular preference for .com addresses over any other extension. If your business reflects a specific nTLD and will create an unforgettable web address, go for it!

Use a logo instead of the company name. As long as it is concise, recognizable, and reflects your branding, it can be a good way to create marketing.

Find the domain name that your customers will remember

A strong domain name is important for any business of any size and at any stage of development. It will attract consumers with a fast slogan or unique title, it should promote a feeling of professionalism and satisfaction, and it should separate your business from others in your field. Think of it as if you were deciding on a company logo, because the two have to go hand in hand. Your domain name should be a reflection of your brand, simple and memorable.

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