What Is a Website Domain Name?
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What Is a Website Domain Name?

What Is a Website Domain Name?If you are going to launch a company (or enjoy the idea), it's a good idea that you are wandering around potential business names or you are already considering one. Choosing the correct name for your business - one that is easy to remember, easy to say, and original - is a difficult task. It is a more difficult task because the name you choose needs to represent your product or brand while distinguishing you from competitors in the market. And there are more competitors than you think. why is that?

Make an online purchase.

We are in the midst of an e-commerce boom (Thanks, Amazon): a radical commercial exodus from traditional retail sites to online sellers and sites. Can you remember a time before Amazon? They revolutionized the way people shop, especially online. Once a humble bookseller, it's now the largest company in the world. Their site is similar to the Sears contemporary catalog, allowing customers to purchase whatever they could dream of and pick it up within 48 hours. In the twenty years since the rise of Amazon, nearly every online retailer has been scrambling to shade their moves and compete; They are forced to focus too hard on their platform and online sales or suffer a quick death.

Which one do you choose?

According to Business Insider, "Nearly 70% of Americans (230 million) will make purchases online in 2018, contributing $ 474 billion to total retail sales." Gorgeous! A study pulled by Business Insider indicates that e-commerce now accounts for nearly ten percent of all retail business within the United States. This number must increase in the coming years. This economic outlook is a good indication of how important it is to have an online business to its future success.

E-commerce website image.

Your business name will help you stand out in a sea of ​​competitors online. But landing on the correct name, well, it takes time and energy. And one of the things that a lot of people forget to consider when deciding on a business name is whether or not it is available as a domain name for your website. If the name you want isn't available as a domain, all of this brainstorming can be in vain. Either that, or you may end up paying a single penny to the owner of the name you want and that only if he is going to sell it to you. Prevent this situation and succeed on the Internet possible! Keep going as we explore domains, domain names, and domain name availability - these things will put you on the right track.

What is the domain?

Ranges contain many complications, but they are not as confusing as it might seem. If you have never had a website before, do not consider yourself a computer expert, or if you are confused about discussing these things with web developers, then you are in safe hands now.

The areas are our bread and butter, and we'll have it all for you. Let's start by discussing the difference between domains and websites.

The difference between website and domain name.

Think of your website as a virtual or digital interface. You need this storefront, this structure, so people can browse and buy your merchandise. But how do these people find your digital store? This is where your domain name comes into play. Your domain name is unique - no other name is quite like it on the Internet (which is a very vast place, so we hear.) When someone types your domain name in their browser (think: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, etc.) it looks like The address that tells the computer where to go to find your website. It's just as horrible as following a map (or GPS) - you need to know the name of your destination before you can enter it into a GPS to get there.

Someone writes in the browser.

Back in the early wooly days of the Internet, domain names just weren't there. Instead, computers relied on strings of numbers called IP addresses to find each other. If you type in the correct IP, you will arrive at the site you want to visit. However, how many number strings can you remember? We can barely remember Pi (3.14 ... and what was the rest?). It became clear to the powers of the Internet that using IP addresses would not cut it. Humans have trouble remembering long strings of numbers, but do you know what we are good at remembering? Words, and specifically, nouns. Thus the Domain Name System was born with two main purposes, the same purposes that IP addresses have:

1. To identify and distinguish web addresses.
2. To specify web addresses.

These domain names can also affect your branding and people's perception of you is a plus!

Top Level Domains

The Domain Name System was created in 1985. At that time, there were only seven domain name options and they were called "top-level domains". These include:

  • .com - short for "commerce" This domain name is often referred to as the king of domain names. She's definitely hugely popular, there's no doubt about that.
  • .edu - This domain name is restricted for use by educational institutions and universities.
  • .gov - Only agencies, agents, and government offices can use this domain name. For example, the official White House website is whitehouse.gov.
  • .int - This domain name stands for "international organization".
  • .net - This domain name was created for network providers (think Cox Cable, whose website is cox.net) but is now open for wider use.
  • .org - This domain name is created for any organization, although it was initially intended for non-profit organizations.
  • .mil - This one for all millennials out there! Just kidding, it's for the United States Army.


What is the most popular domain name or extension? Okay, so that would be .com, followed by .net and .org. However, this may change due to a recent batch of new domain names in the market. Why were new domain names created? The internet was a bit congested and not many domain names were available anymore. Also, having a domain name that meets your business needs or goal is a great way to solidify your branding.

Domain names

What is the goal of any company when creating an online presence? We are betting that it is related to increasing the number of website visitors you receive and making use of those visits (i.e. converting them into clients and making that money) in the smartest and most economical way possible. A good domain name can help you do this because a good domain name is unforgettable; People can find your location and engage with you when they remember your name. So nailing the correct domain name is vital - it serves as the cornerstone of your business and brand identity, and it reminds the audience of exactly who you are and what you do.

What exactly does a domain name look like?

What Is a Website Domain Name?Let's use atakdomain.com as an example. "www.atakdomain.com" is what people generally refer to as a domain name, but is that technically correct?

In the image above, you can see that we have underlined the different parts of www.atakdomain.com, separated and numbered the different parts separated by dots. Your domain name, technically, is the part that comes after www. (Or in the case of email addresses, this is the following an @ sign.) So it consists of parts 2 and 3. Part 1, www, converts your domain name into a complete web address, or URL (Universal Resource Locator.) In essence, all A URL has a domain name in it, but URLs are not domain names. (Similar to how every square is a rectangle, but not every rectangle is a square. And if you didn't know it, you know it by now.)

Did you know that the two parts that make up your domain name, 1 and 2, actually have their own names? Part 3, what comes after the point, is called a top-level domain, or TLD. Part 2, the beginning of your domain name, is called a second-level domain, or SLD.

So when someone asks, "How do I access your site?" What they are really asking is your domain name.

Who sets the rules for domain names?

Domain names are not free for everyone, so somewhere there should be rules or regulations that govern them. One of those things is called DNS, or Domain Name System. The DNS defines the rules, procedures, and guidelines for domain names and their registration; However, the actual registration of domain names is usually handled by domain name registrants (such as Atakdomain.com). Second level domain names must be reserved by the end user (who will be you, or someone else who buys a domain name), registered, and then they are considered official domain names by the DNS and no one else can use them.

Should my domain name match my business name?

You're not required to purchase a domain name that matches your business name, but you can bet it's a good idea. Especially when it comes to SEO and SEO, it is wise to match your domain name to your business name - this helps build your reputation. You can even use your own domain name for your work email address to achieve the most professional consistency and look. But keep in mind, if your business name is too long and difficult to pronounce, will your customers know how to write it? If not, consider close abbreviations or alternatives. Pro tip: Your domain name must pass the "radio test" - if people only hear your domain name on the radio and don't see it written, can they spell it correctly and get to your site?

Domain names and pricing.

Domain name costs can vary greatly depending on various factors. Some of them might be the TLD you specify (Part 3 in the image above if you want to refer to it), the length, and whether or not it's a premium domain name. Think of a good domain name as a prime property on Main Street: you'll pay a little more, but the visits from the better site are worth it. You can keep your domain name as if you were an investment.

Your domain name is not the same as your website, but without a domain name, you cannot have a website. So, if you are ready to transfer your business online then go ahead and register this domain name. You can even look into the copyright of your name to protect it from any future infringement. This is exactly what Oakland Riders owner Mark Davis did more than a decade before they moved from Oakland to Vegas. He thought ahead and registered LasVegasRaiders.com and VegasRaiders.com; If he waited, maybe someone else registered these names and then Mark had to buy them at a higher price ... if the owner was willing to sell them. Investments in domain names are common, especially with high-value domains.

Domains of high value

Lots of generic and marketable domain names are already registered, you can take them for granted. Some of these names, like clothes.com or carinsurance.com, are valued in the millions. These names, because they are very descriptive and closely related to the actual services or goods offered, are known as high-value domains. They may cost a little more to buy, but they are worth it. Here's why:

  • Brand protection and authority - Having a premium, high-value domain name gives you little protection from competition. It can make you seem like the best answer to someone's needs (and let's face it, we're sure you are). At first glance, what do you trust the most: Expertscientists.com or the world sthatknowitall.xyz? Get the premium name and make your brand look its best.
  • Increase Website Traffic and SEO Optimization - Premium or high value domain names receive more web traffic as a result of direct traffic from type or Google referral. Think about it: When people search for websites or products online, they often use keywords. If your domain name is keyword heavy (therefore, it will likely be a premium domain name), it will appear in more results. Traffic of type indicates a customer who searches for a product directly in the URL bar of the browser without using a search engine. For example, someone looking for a new bike might write bikes.com in their browser knowing that they will likely land on a site that specializes in selling bikes. This is the kind of web traffic that business owners dream about because it means you have a website visitor, and a potential customer, without having to spend money on advertising. They find that you use keywords of course, so they are also more likely to be monetized versus being an online window shopper.


Improved visibility - High-value domain names are usually short and very attractive. It is intuitive and easy to remember. By having a domain name like this, you are setting yourself up for success. If people remember your domain name, they can easily find you again and refer others to it.

Domain names are essential to the way the Internet works and to your success on the Internet

Domains and domain names play an important role in indicating the type of goods or services you offer. If this is all that a potential customer or website visitor is seeing, he or she has to say the right thing to get their attention. Choosing the ideal, creative, appropriate, and accessible domain name requires both brainstorming and strategizing. However, investing in a good domain name is not only essential, it is essential to the success of your internet business in the future.