There are a number of reasons for transferring a domain name to another registrar. Your current registrar may not offer all the features you need, or they may be offered at a price that does not fit your budget.
Regardless of your reason for finding yourself here, all the information you need to complete the domain name transfer can be found below. The process is relatively simple and fast. Read all the information below and you'll be back to business as usual in no time.
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Transferring a domain name means changing the registrar your domain name is registered with. If you've already tracked down and purchased the perfect domain name for your business or project, but are finding yourself unhappy with the level of service your current registrar provides, don't worry. Transferring your domain to the registrar that best suits your needs is a relatively simple process.
There are many reasons why one might feel dissatisfied with the current registry side and choose to switch to the other side. After all, not all registrants are created equal. Most of them will offer packages that include different features, with different prices and different levels of reliability. Some offer superior customer support, while others are easy to navigate.
Most registrars offer a unique set of services and features included with your subscription. Some of them include privacy protection, web hosting or email. However, not all service providers offer all the features you might need. Here are some important considerations when moving a domain name:
Provider: It is important to consider the source of the services and features offered by a particular registrar. Some, like Atakdomain.com, offer all of their services with seamless integrations - including email and web hosting. Other registrars may outsource some of these services to third-party providers and use legacy integrations that slow down your business.
Ease of use: Ease of use is a constant concern when considering the purchase of any good or service, and domain name registration is no different. In this case, you'll want to know that the features offered to you are easy to implement. Atakdomain.com offers a number of easy-to-use tools that make tasks like domain administration simple for you. Other registrars may not offer these, which may require a great deal of effort on your part.
Customer Support: As with any endeavor, you can hiccup and have questions that need answering. You want to know that someone on the other end of the customer service line is available to answer your questions when you need them. We at atakdomain.com pride ourselves on our ability to provide quality live support whenever you need it.
Each registrar has a different formula for pricing their services. At Atakdomain.com, our transfer fee includes one year of registration. Some offer all-inclusive services that might give you more bang for your buck, as all the features you want are offered at a discount. Others ask you to buy a basic service at a lower price, and then charge for additional features that you might still need.
It is also possible that they offer a lower rate for the first year of service, only to charge more for the renewal. This kind of thing has been known to leave customers grumpy, so be sure to check the pricing structure to make sure you aren't overcharging for the services you want or need. If you are not satisfied with the pricing structure of the current registrar, it might be time to make a change and start the conversion process.
Here's some good news for you: Completing the domain name transfer doesn't take long at all. If you take the time to sit and stay on his head, the steps you need to take can be completed within an hour or two. We recommend completing the process in one sitting, if possible, for security purposes.
Once all requirements on your part are met, the rest of the transportation process is completed within 5-7 working days, under normal circumstances.
Atakdomain.com is one of the leading registrars in the industry for a reason. We offer the ability to easily manage your domains from one easy-to-use platform. We also offer a comprehensive set of features for all your needs under a straightforward pricing structure, with great customer service to take off.
Atakdomain.com allows you to easily manage all of your existing domains using our control panel. As the name suggests, it is a single user interface that allows you to manage all of our registered domains in one central location. There is no need to move between pages for each domain separately.
If your domain name is up and running, you have a host. Not only does Atakdomain.com offer a large number of hosting options, but we also provide you with the ability to manage both your domains and your hosting needs in one place. This makes your experience smooth and comfortable.
As you already know, your domain name claim has an expiration date. In the event that you want to keep your domain name for longer than specified during the original purchase, you will need to renew your subscription. Otherwise, your claim will end, and your domain will be available for purchase by a third party.
Atakdomain.com provides an automatic domain renewal feature that helps you keep track of expiration dates, and gives you the option to renew automatically. Simply set your profile to renew automatically, and Atakdomain.com will automatically guide you through the process when the time is right.
Atakdomain.com offers some of the most competitive rates available in the industry. By offering features and services at competitive and affordable rates, Atakdomain.com is able to provide significant savings over many other registrars.
Atakdomain.com offers some of the strongest and most reliable customer support services available. If you're the type of person who likes to ask your questions to a real human worker, we stand ready, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to lend a hand.
If you prefer to ask your inquiries in a different way, but with the same level of response, then Atakdomain.com also provides you with the ability to live chat with customer service through the chat feature built into their website. Regardless of your preferred method of communication, Atakdomain.com has a choice for you.
There are four things that must happen to facilitate a successful transfer to Atakdomain.com.
Domains must be valid and already registered with another registrar
Transfers will only be successful if the admin contact is up to date
There are a number of steps you will need to take with your current registrar to complete your transfer. With your current registrar, you will need:
Make sure to register your domain for at least 60 days, or unsubscribe (more on that later)
Ensure that your domain is not currently involved in any legal disputes, which could lead to a registry lockout
It is standard practice for a domain to be locked for 60 days after it is registered or transferred. During this period, you will be prohibited from updating the name or company name associated with the domain, changing the registrant's email address, or enabling / disabling the privacy settings. However, there is an option to opt out of this. By default, this option will not be selected, so if you plan to transfer the domain, you will need to manually log in and unsubscribe to this lock for 60 days.
In a word no. If the transfer process is not yet complete, it cannot be changed. You will not be able to:
To make any changes during this stage of the process, you need to contact your current hosting provider to request that the transfer be canceled. Otherwise, you must wait for the transfer process to complete (usually around 5 days) before making the required changes.
How to transfer to Atakdomain.com step by step
Open your domain:
To transfer your domain to Atakdomain.com, you will need your authorization code. Here are instructions on how to find your authorization code.
Redeem the authorization code:
After you submit your transfer request to Atakdomain.com, we send you an email to confirm the transfer. In this email, we provide a link to your account so that you can log in and enter the authorization code from your current registrar.
If your domain is unlocked and the authorization code is correct, your transfer must be completed within 5 days, with bans and registrar conflicts. Sometimes, existing registrars send emails to confirm registrant transfers. If you receive an email confirmation from your current registrar, please agree to the transfer and your domain must be immediately transferred to Atakdomain.com.
If you have any questions during this process, please call our transportation specialists at 800-403-3568.
Transfer your domain name and start building your online presence
Moving the domain name to Atakdomain.com doesn't have to be a time consuming process. Our goal is to make it as painless as possible. You can save time and effort by adhering to the recommendations outlined above and helping the buyer shoulder their responsibilities throughout the process.
Keep in mind that you always want to protect yourself from liability. Once the process is complete, make sure to make the transfer with this security in mind to ensure that you receive your money.
If you do it right, your domain name should be transferred to Atakdomain.com without a hitch!