How To Choose The Best Ecommerce Domain Name  For Your Business
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How To Choose The Best Ecommerce Domain Name For Your Business

If you've ever owned a traditional business, you know how carefully every decision is made regarding your physical location.

You may not realize that every decision you make while building your website and your online presence should require the same amount of effort and attention.

How to choose the best ecommerce domain name for your business | Atak Domain Hosting

As your company name and branding attract customers to your stores, domain names attract visitors to your ecommerce website. As the number of visitors to your website increases, so too does your potential for increasing sales.

The thing is, not every domain is great. How do I choose a domain name for your business and ecommerce website and make sure it is the right choice?

Here's what we're going to find out today. Before reading this post, let's learn exactly how to get the perfect domain name - and avoid misfires.

Tips on Choosing an Ecommerce Domain Name.

Starting an online business is an exciting endeavor. Before you can build your website, add your goods, and start selling, however, you need to purchase a domain name.

Chirstian might have said, "A rose with a different name would smell just as sweet," but we wouldn't have to agree. There's a lot to talk about and some of them interact with people better than others.

Here's what you need to know about choosing a domain name to build a strong branded ecommerce business.

Look for a domain name with an exact match.

If you already have a company name that people know and trust, it is in your best interest to find a domain name that works. Your business identity should be consistent both online and offline, so you don't want to use two different names if you can avoid it.

However, it is not always easy to find a domain name that exactly matches your company name, especially if you are only looking for a .com domain name.

But don't be discouraged! Just because an exact matching domain name isn't immediately available doesn't mean that all hope is lost. Here's what you can do about it.

Broaden your search horizon for domain extensions.

If you know anything about domains, you know that .com has long been considered king. Why?

.com domain is one of the six original domain extensions (TLDs) created in 1985 with the initiation of DNS, the Domain Name System. Much of the promotion of the .com domain has to do with being known to people. However, it's not about knowing your domain name, it's about making it relevant and easy to remember.

To find the most suitable domain name that is easy to remember, you can think beyond the scope of .com. Instead, use a newer domain extension, or nTLD, to create your perfect domain name.

Choosing nTLD for your domain name gives you a more meaningful domain name that clearly defines the purpose of your website and business. Here is an example of how this works in practice.

How to choose the best ecommerce domain name for your business | Atak Domain Hosting

Gary owns a coffee shop in a small town outside of Buffalo, New York. He loves meeting customers every morning and afternoon and business is booming. With such great results in his business, he decides to put his products online and sell coffee for pounds.

It searches for the desired domain name:, but unfortunately it is taken! Instead of being discouraged, he sees another domain extension, .online, and thinks, "Could that be?"


He is looking for and is available! What a perfect domain name for him ... includes a company name (Coffee) and a select domain extension (.online) to describe his growing, expanding business and intent to make online sales.

Other important domain endings for e-commerce companies are:

Need some more?

Top brands and companies get creative (and memorable) with domain names like and

Consider buying a premium domain name.

You may have seen the one you wanted in the results the first time you searched for a domain name, but it was more expensive than the others. Why?


It was likely a premium domain name. Premium domain names have been registered in the past. They are rich in keywords that can help improve the search engine optimization of your website and are often shorter and easier to remember. All of these functions make them brands and add value to them.

And if a premium domain has already been used on a website, it can even come from the established website traffic, which can help any new website owner!

Premium domain names are a great investment in an ecommerce business. So don't overlook them.

Avoid hyphens and additional characters in your domain name.

It happens all the time ...

Somebody can't find the domain name they want and decides to add a few dashes and numbers - which is great! Good?

Not at all.

How to choose the best ecommerce domain name for your business | Atak Domain Hosting

Let's go back to Gary's cafe and see what would happen if he did this while choosing a domain name. If he chose "" instead of "" or "" he would be making a huge mistake.

When choosing a domain name, consider your customers and website visitors. The more random characters and numbers there are in your domain, the less likely they are to remember them. This means they can misspell your domain name and land on a competitor's website, or assume that your website is down and you are interested in business.

If your company name isn't broken down into characters and numbers and your customers know it well, don't include it in your domain name.

Stop with unique spelling.

Everyone is unique, just like the company.

Indeed, you need to have a differentiator that sets you apart from your competition. Just don't do this distinction with a clearly spelled domain name. You might think that a domain with an interesting spelling is memorable, but usually it isn't. The dashes between every other letter and the random numbers at the end of a domain name are hard to remember.

If you want the domain name to be easy to remember, make sure it passed the "Radio Test".

Can you pass the Radio Test?

Many domain users refer to the radio test to check the quality of a domain name.

Imagine placing an ad on a local radio station to get your domain name to pass the test. At the end of the action, the host will read your domain name and instruct the listeners to visit your website.

If someone can easily spell your domain name based on how they heard it, congratulations! Your domain name passed the radio test. If not, you've lost and should return to the drawing board. The radio test can be done at home with friends and family.

There are many letters and combinations of letters that sound a lot like "ph" and "f". So, make sure to enter the domain name in the most common way instead of using the spelling that interests you most.

Your domain name should be strong and branded.

Your domain name is often the first point of contact for your company and your brand.

By making your domain name meaningful and leveraging thousands of new existing top-level domain extensions, you can create a relevant, contextual domain name that will attract more visitors and customers to your website.

Domain names help identify and remember your brand. So make sure your name is pronounced and easy to spell.

Are you ready to find your perfect domain name and start your ecommerce business? Start with

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